Saturday, September 15, 2007

Heirloom Tomatoes, R.I.P. 2007-2007


Today marks the end of my favorite time of year. Tomato season.

It seems like barely a month and a week ago I was all atwitter over the first salable fruits of the season. And now they're all gone. Well, no, that would be kind of creepy...if after a hard frost they all just disappeared. They're actually still there...they've just become saggy, baggy, gooshy sacs of seeds and glop.

The funny part is, although I probably sold in the neighborhood of 1,500 pounds of tomatoes this year, I hardly had a chance to eat any myself. I bet I had maybe 3 or 4 BLTs all summer. But that's what I get for refusing to look for a hired hand last spring. 16 hour harvest days and no time to eat anything but cold toaster waffles for supper.

Oh well, luckily I stashed a few of the last remaining ripening Carbons, Sara Blacks and Gold Medals. Maybe I'll make one of my favorite BBTs.

And next year's tomato season might come about a month earlier. We're getting a big ole hoop house.

So anyway...who's for garlic?


Kirsten said...

I was feeling sad this week about the end of tomatoes... i didnt have enough to freeze this time :(

Olga said...

I love tomatoes. Yours look absolutely amazing.