Friday, September 21, 2007

Unfinished Business

Well, now it's fall and the season is winding down around here. That fall lettuce and all of those successions of baby leeks and scallions never had a chance to find their way into the ground with all of the crappy weather around here. So I'm left with some tiny amounts of baby fennel, baby leeks and a 50 foot bed of purple scallions. Well, and a couple hundred (or more) lb. of garlic left to clean and most of my onions yet to sell.

So, ok, plenty of work yet to do.

Plus, I've got a line on a cultivating tractor...might be picking it up next week. And I need to buy that hoop house to get my tomatoes in the ground earlier. And the chicken coop still needs finishing.

On second thought, nothing is winding down anywhere. Hopefully I can get all of this done before next season.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Heirloom Tomatoes, R.I.P. 2007-2007


Today marks the end of my favorite time of year. Tomato season.

It seems like barely a month and a week ago I was all atwitter over the first salable fruits of the season. And now they're all gone. Well, no, that would be kind of creepy...if after a hard frost they all just disappeared. They're actually still there...they've just become saggy, baggy, gooshy sacs of seeds and glop.

The funny part is, although I probably sold in the neighborhood of 1,500 pounds of tomatoes this year, I hardly had a chance to eat any myself. I bet I had maybe 3 or 4 BLTs all summer. But that's what I get for refusing to look for a hired hand last spring. 16 hour harvest days and no time to eat anything but cold toaster waffles for supper.

Oh well, luckily I stashed a few of the last remaining ripening Carbons, Sara Blacks and Gold Medals. Maybe I'll make one of my favorite BBTs.

And next year's tomato season might come about a month earlier. We're getting a big ole hoop house.

So anyway...who's for garlic?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Flood Relief for Wisconsin/Minnesota Farmers

This is a short video detailing some the destruction done to several small organic farms in our area during recent heavy rains and flooding. Please scratch out a check, type in your CC number or just pass this video along to as many people as you can.
