Friday, September 21, 2007

Unfinished Business

Well, now it's fall and the season is winding down around here. That fall lettuce and all of those successions of baby leeks and scallions never had a chance to find their way into the ground with all of the crappy weather around here. So I'm left with some tiny amounts of baby fennel, baby leeks and a 50 foot bed of purple scallions. Well, and a couple hundred (or more) lb. of garlic left to clean and most of my onions yet to sell.

So, ok, plenty of work yet to do.

Plus, I've got a line on a cultivating tractor...might be picking it up next week. And I need to buy that hoop house to get my tomatoes in the ground earlier. And the chicken coop still needs finishing.

On second thought, nothing is winding down anywhere. Hopefully I can get all of this done before next season.


Kirsten said...

gotta question. I planted swiss char at the beginning of the summer and i have yielded a ton and i have a ton more. does it ever get over-done, or really tough or is it as good now as it was earlier? I noticed some leaves stand straight up and others, seemingly older ones start to droop and turn much darker. still good?

216 Cottage St. said...

I'm not a chard grower, but my advice is...try it.