Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It Begins.

Tomato Season. Today. July 24, the year of the lawdy lawd 2007.

This time of year is the reason I started a farm. Sure, I like growing baby leeks and onions and garlic and all that other stuff. But tomatoes. Heirloom tomatoes. This is what I really love.

The tomato you see in the photo above is a Black Cherry. This season I planted over 200 plants of that variety, primarily to grow them out for seed for a company in Maine called Fedco. But I suspect they will make appearances in mix quart cases and on their own in some respects. Especially once I am assured I have at least 1 pound of seed saved from them. Which will take a lot of tomatoes...tiny seeds in those buggers.

They are among my favorites, and not just in comparison to other cherries. However, I would take a single Black Cherry over a case of SunGolds any day.

So anyway. This day officially begins Tomato Season 2007.

Tomato Ordering Season 2007 can't be far behind.

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